One of our stories–
I am first generation in the United States raised by a single mom who emigrated from Germany after marrying my father after World War II. My mother left my father when I was 6 wks old and raised me on her own until she remarried when I was 11.
Growing up, I always wanted to be a lawyer—(actually from the age of 8-the 1st time we had a television). My love of Perry Mason fueled my natural stance for defending the underdog. That in combination with the fact that we didn’t have a lot of money growing up and I wanted to have enough money to buy a pair of jeans if I wanted to or drink as much orange juice as I wanted (orange juice was expensive and not something to be had lightly😊)
My friend’s dad was a lawyer and she got $10 / week for allowance which back then was a lot of money. So that seemed my ticket !
And I did in fact practice law for 15 years as a commercial civil litigator.
While I was practicing law, a friend introduced me to a self development program with the challenge that he didn’t think I was living up to my potential. WELL! –a challenge. That program had an enormous impact on me. I started training to be a leader there and led seminars, coached and trained seminar leaders and program participants. There began my love of coaching which I began as a volunteer. And that led to my career as an executive life coach. I loved helping people overcome challenges previously unsurmountable to them.
When I left the practice of law I entered the business world in a company that attracted me because they believed that happy people produced happy results and THAT is what made them successful. People caring about people which resulted in profits and results.
What a gift to be able to connect people with their dreams, have them be in action to go after them with the great results of enhancing profitability and results!
I was the former Managing Partner. Last year – 2019 – was a terribly tough year for us. We were dealing with a mixture of difficult internal issues, some of which pertained to succession/transition issues from me to my successor Managing Partner. We had some high level departures and internal issues pertaining to the cohesiveness of our team. Despite a (very) strong underlying business, morale had dropped dramatically.
In stepped [your team]. And you saved us!
You and your colleagues were insightful, creative, tough, no-nonsense but at the same time emotive and sympathetic. You figured out what was going on and steered us through. It was most impressive.
A year later – we are forged into a tight and strong fighting force that loves the firm and is committed to its success. Indeed, for the first time, things are like they were in “the good old days.” Even though we are now steering through the COVID 19 crisis, I have zero doubt about our survival and indeed that we will emerge even stronger than before. That’s what happens when you have a strong culture of committed people, and [you were] critical in getting us back to what we were.
I give [your team] complete credit for saving and enhancing our organization.
– Partner and Founder Law Firm (Real Estate)
You know how there are these few people in your life that are there for you in transitional phases, help you navigate, find balance, see the bigger picture, and make you come out stronger, bigger and more mature on the other end? That’s Gaby.
-Software Experience Exec and Founder
And on a personal note, closer to home:
I coached my ex husband in the dissolution of the marriage following ours. (a whole other story) It was not an easy road for him. But one of the most gratifying experiences I had was that his ex wife to be sent me a message thanking me for the work that I was doing with him and the difference I made for their divorce.